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Jan 31

“My schedule is packed.” “I feel fine.” “It’s so embarrassing to talk about.” “I’m not planning to get pregnant.” “I’m not sexually-active.” “I’ve already gone through menopause.” There are plenty of arguments for avoiding an annual well woman examination. There are two compelling reasons to schedule this painless, less-than-an-hour visit: It could save your life. […]

Jun 25

Although every physician approaches care in the most conservative manner possible, there are certain instances in which a surgical procedure becomes necessary. Some gynecological surgeries facilitate the diagnosis of disease, while others are aimed at the correction of women’s health issues. A few of the common surgical procedures performed by an OB/GYN are listed here. […]

Jun 25

Dr. Taryll Jenkins of Jenkins Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine believes in taking the least invasive approach possible to treatment. However, in some cases, surgery may be necessary to address the patient’s issue. While Dr. Jenkins provides a wide variety of gynecological services, some of the most common surgeries involve diagnosis and treatment following an […]

Jun 25

The best decision you can make for your health and wellbeing is choosing the right gynecologist. Katy, TX, residents are fortunate to have access to one of the most skilled and compassionate OB/GYN professionals available anywhere. Dr. Taryll Jenkins has dedicated his life and career to women’s health, and his focus is strongly on preventive […]

Jun 25

Maintaining your annual well woman checkups is important to your overall health and wellbeing. This appointment gives your physician a chance to focus on preventative care, rather than monitoring a pregnancy or treating an ailment or problem. Dr. Jenkins of Jenkins Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine urges patients to schedule and keep these appointments. One […]

Jun 25

Staying healthy as an adult woman is important. Husbands, children, friends, family, and coworkers all depend on and need your support and care throughout the year. However, to be able to provide the care that others need, women must remember to take care of themselves as well. An annual gynecology exam is a critical piece […]

Jun 25

Just like children need an annual checkup with their pediatrician, women also need a well-woman check up with their gynecologist. Many women think that this appointment is only about a breast exam and a pap smear, but, with the right physician, it can actually provide much greater benefits to your health. Dr. Taryll Jenkins of […]

Jun 25

Vaginal discharge is, in many cases, a perfectly normal function of the reproductive system. For women of all ages, however, discharge can be inconvenient, uncomfortable, and even alarming. Not every type of discharge is considered among the various vaginal infection symptoms. We suggest that patients visit our office in Katy if they feel concerned about […]

Jun 25

A woman’s sex life is typically not something she discusses with many people. In fact, many women don’t discuss it at all, even when it’s going well. This can make conversations about sexual problems a great challenge, as women don’t know who to talk to, what’s normal or common, or where to turn for support. […]

Jun 25

Most adult women know that the first question a gynecologist will ask her is, “When was your last period and how long did it last?” For some the answer is easy because her period arrives like clockwork – after the same number of days every month and lasts for a consistent number of days. For […]

Jun 25

As a woman ages, she will likely begin to think more and more about menopause. Like it or not, menopause affects every woman as her ovaries stop producing eggs and produce less estrogen. Often menopause occurs at some point between the age of 40 and 50, although it could be earlier or later. A woman […]

Jun 25

Many adult women believe that pelvic pain in common and normal. Often associated with various stages of the menstrual cycle, women begin to anticipate or even expect twinges, heaviness, or even pain in their abdomen. Typically it can be treated with over the counter pain medication. However, in some cases, the pain becomes severe and […]